Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A walk in the park

A group of friends gathered on Saturday at Langan Park to play disc golf since it was so beautiful outside. Michael, Jayson, Chris and I got there a bit early so Jayson could give us some DSLR camera pointers. Michael and I are still 'newbs' when it comes to my new cam, so with Jayson's help I can now stray away from the automatic settings (which are all awesome) and venture into the aperture and shutter priority settings. Rhonda, my coworker David and his son Ian, joined us for disc golf. Here are just a few of the photos I got:

Disc golfin' at Langan Park can be tricky

I feel sore just looking at this shot of Rhonda

Chris tossin'


If you know me, you know I love flowers

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