Monday, May 16, 2011


It's what happened to my neighborhood on Sunday.

So, Sunday I'm out in the backyard with Penny and Holly and start to smell smoke. Didn't think much of it, we do live out in the 'country' so people burn stuff all the time. Then a gust of wind comes along and I can see smoke in it. This made me curious so I walk to the front yard and hear our neighbors - who live across the street and two houses down - screaming "oh my God, somebody bring water!"

Early on

I'm now in full panic mode! I see smoke coming from their backyard and can't tell if it's their yard or house on fire. Michael calls at this time and I tell him what's going on, run and put the girls inside and call 911. Luckily someone had already called and the fire dept. was on the way. I run over to the people who live across the street and one house over as they're hosing down the treeline behind their yard. I try to see if there was anything I could do to help. All I had to offer were two waterhoses, but they didn't have any remaining faucets. It was a brush fire that quickly spread to the trees behind the people across the streets' houses.

Just a few minutes later

So, I thought I was in pull panic mode earlier. I'm standing on my porch waiting for the fire department to show up and I could feel the heat from the flames at my house. By now the trees behind the house across the street were ablaze and our street was completely full of smoke! Panaic mode for real, I loaded up Penny and Holly into my car and Beebee and Ceecee in the cat carrier (together, poor kitties) and got in my car to leave. All I could think about was a gas explosion since most homes in our neighborhood are gas. (Maybe I was overreating, but I was freaking out!) The firetrucks had finally came right when I was trying to leave and I was blocked in and couldn't leave. I backed into our driveway and could only watch.

Seeing these flames behind the house directly across the street from me was terrifying

You can still smell the smoke today, even in my car

Thankfully no homes were damaged and everyone is safe. I'm still not sure what started the fire but know the firemen were out there for about five hours working on the fire, which spread behind five homes. Thank you, thank you!

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