Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy 'we found you in the bushes one year ago' Birthday to Beebee

We have had our sweet little kitty for a year today! We were out picking blackberries behind our house when Michael's parents and sister Jana were down visiting. I found more than I bargained for on that hunt.

It was on this day a year ago that Michael realized he is a cat guy.

Beebee was about four weeks old when I found her and took her to the vet. I don't know her real birthday, so I just think of it as today. She was a fiesty little Bee when we first got her. She loved to nibble on your hands and play rough. The vet said it was because by the time she was old enough to learn to play, she didn't have any other kitties to play with and learn what hurts when they are playing. I guess she had Penny and Holly as sisters, but they were more scared of her than she was at them, and they were like 10 times her size at four weeks.

Michael wasn't much of a cat lover early on. He didn't really like to love on her or do much hanging out with our new little furry friend. One day I came home from work and popped the garage and what did I find standing inside? A Michael holding a Beebee. Loved it.

We love you, our sweet Beebee. If you only knew what it took to talk your daddy into keep you on this day, one year ago.

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