Monday, December 27, 2010


Michael and I finished all of season five of Dexter last night. I miss it already! Netflix can really spoil you by letting you watch episode after episode. Maybe we shouldn't have cracked out on it by watching an entire season in one day. Hurry up season six!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

It was a merry Nikon Christmas in the Wilkins/Williams household today. Michael's mom, sister and I all got Nikon D5000 DSLR cameras! Well, I've had mine for about a week now. Michael got it for me and I think he was a bit too excited to wait for Christmas for me to have it. I'm already thinking of fantastic places to travel for some great photography. Hopefully a Yellowstone trip is in my near future :)

Michael's s family came to stay with us for Christmas. We had a great time hosting the holidays.

I can see a many of plants, potting soil and mulch bringing brought home on the new cargo carrier this spring. Spring, can't wait for spring!

Toby and Lilly LOVE to open presents. Hopefully they can teach Penny and Holly soon.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bear Creek

Bear Creek was a ton of fun last weekend, and not to mention cold at night. Michael, Jeremy, Star, Patrick, Sam and I enjoyed some good food, good music and good day time weather.

Home sweet home

Live Oak, Floria was definitely named for its beautiful trees

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Counter tops, hardwood floors and backspash - OH MY!

Home renovations are officially underway. The counter tops are put in, boy was it nice to watch someone do the labor for us for once. I love them! For the floors we went with 5-inch Brazilian walnut planks and they are to die for. Goodbye carpet!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oasis of the Seas

The biggest, newest cruise ship in the world, Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas, was absolutely amazing! For my first cruise, I couldn't have asked for a better time with a better friend! Stephanie and I had the best time. Labadee (Haiti) Cozumel and Costa Maya were amazing! I can't wait to go on another and eat, eat and eat. I shall start planning now. Until next time!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I got a new phone and it has a Blogger app - how fun! 16 more days until the cruise! It's going to be an amazing time and I will be so sad once it's over! Stephanie and I will have a fantastic time!

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bath time

The girls are not thrilled

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Play time, fun time!

Beebee has changed a lot over the last few days. She has gained a good bit of weight and seems to be the average size for a 6.5 week old kitten. After reading online that kittens love brown paper bags, I got her one and she loves it. It is so funny to watch her in the bag and Penny and Holly outside of the bag looking on like "what is that?" Beebee will try to pounce them coming out of the bag and gets the girls every time.

Beebee is to the point now where I just have to give her food and water every day and clean out her box. Before I was having to monitor her feedings because she would try to eat so fast and sounded like she was choking for a few minutes after she was finished, but would play and pounce around like a normal little kitty. She eats and drinks just fine now - I'm so glad! I can't wait until our yard is fenced and she can roam around out there. She rarely leaves the patio right now. She will wonder into the grass and seems pretty scared after leaving her "safe zone" but that is fine with me until we get the fence installed. Hopefully this week!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcome, Beebee

Things over the past almost three months have totally changed for me. Michael and I have our own house now with Penny and Holly...and Beebee, the newest addition to our clan. I found Beebee about two weeks ago while Michael, his family and I were picking black berries behind our house. Little did I expect to find a black berry with a heartbeat, but now we have our own little Black Berry, aka Beebee.

Beebee could barely walk when I found her. She was about four weeks old at the time and the only kitten. Her mother is still around, and boy do I feel bad about "stealing" her away from her, but I didn't want Beebee to grow up not knowing what it feels like to have a real home, love, food and clean water every day. BOY was I surprised when it was official that Beebee could be apart of our on the patio, that is. Michael is allergic to cats, but I am MORE than thankful he welcomed Beebee into our lives. Those who know me know that I am a cat lover at heart and have had them since the day I was born. Beebee, Penny and Holly are a team now and all love playing together!

This week we will begin the construction of our privacy fence! You know you have reached adulthood and home ownership when something like a privacy fence makes you so excited! I can't wait to spend more time in our backyard!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Home sweet home

We closed on our house today! Can't wait to turn this house into a home. Yard work here we come!